Get Paid Today: Realistic side business opportunities

One day my friend Patrick and I were sitting in a coffee house discussing how many people are reluctant to get started building a side business because the entry points seem out of reach. Both of us are serial entrepreneurs so we are always having these discussions. On this particular day we began to talk about all the ways literally anyone can get started with a side business within an hour—there are companies that have done the ground work for you.

You can use the infrastructure other companies provide with minimal setup to build a variety of side businesses. What is the catch? It is not really a catch—it is more of a cost of doing business. A percentage of your earnings will go to the company that provides the infrastructure. So how does it work? These companies from a variety of industries will serve as the middle man for you by doing things like providing the website for you to list products, handling your payments through an app and in some cases managing the shipping of the product, etc.

You can make really good “side” money using these avenues. We are going to cover these businesses for you and explain how to get started with them in a series of blog posts. Why wait? Get paid today!

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