Many people think the stock market is out of reach unless you are at a certain income level. This is no longer the case. Entry into the stock market has never been easier than it is now. There are several avenues to grow your money no matter what your income level is. Micro-investing is one of those avenues. Micro-investing is basically taking spare change and putting it to good use by investing it into the stock market.
There are several apps that will do the investing for you or you can proactively save spare change and move it into the investment accounts yourself. With Acorns for instance, you simply link your credit/debit cards to your Acorns account and it will automatically round up your transactions, pull your spare change, and then invest it in what you choose. There are several ways to micro-invest and several apps that will help you do it. We are going to cover the various avenues of micro investing and the apps available to help you do it.